понедельник, 4 июня 2012 г.

of bad luck

To me, bad luck - is the answer to your environment on behavior in the past. All people can be seen as some kind of network nodes, one node is hurt and the excitement is beginning to spread across the network, and an insignificant sort of excuse but the effect is triggered pencils ' pencils were found, and remained osadochek '. Every action leads to a change in the general background about us and the more you do, the faster the change the background. Everything is stable only for those who do nothing and no one talks. Perelman was worth writing an article on the problem of Poincare and a number of different reasons for the network responded to the premium and the ensuing hysteria. And not to publish anything, and would have stayed in the same condition in which I would like to stay now. By the way, there are many scientists who have become known only after death, when their manuscripts have been published. And as many writers.

However, back to bad luck. The second side of bad luck - it is your own attitude. For some bad luck - it's from the disease in bankruptcy, but for someone that has not had time to buy April 4 iPad - ran smoothly in front of you. And that's not the absurdity of the second problem - in fact it is not absurd, it is the majority opinion is too low in relation to this issue.

How can overcome bad luck and good fortune to persuade to his side? . Second, stop and assess their condition. Many people go to this time in the church or to a psychologist. Some fortune-teller - who he believes. But this is precisely the stop. To break that thought began to organize. The main thing is not to break and continue throwing, which will only aggravate your condition.

Then begin to analyze the causes of the condition. List all the symptoms - what happens to you - and look, finally, the root of all problems. When I did not ladilsya business is almost always the reason was my personal attitude to the problem. For example, I closed my eyes to something. Or incorrectly assessed the key person and as a result of losing much more. The biggest loss I was carrying when it was necessary to amputate the relationship, and I could not, thinking that 'll carry reputational and financial loss. In the end, still carrying these losses, but they added more and those that occurred during the waiting time and throwing.

In most cases, the problem is not outside - it is linked personally with you or your immediate surroundings. But you can change yourself, change the immediate environment or limit in communication. Even when the problem is external - it is possible to leave the profession to change the environment of dialogue and.

Of course, it is difficult to abandon the usual range of rights and responsibilities, may have shaped the rest of your life today, but when this life day by day getting worse and worse, and your losses have already taken a negative trend - why prolong the inevitable?.

Only a rare cause of bad luck is corrected in a single operation such as a hike to a fortune or buy flowers hated his mother 's birthday, so she stopped nagging your wife about your bankruptcy. In most cases changed a lot and have a globally. And we should have the power of the spirit of this. What is not given to everyone. I 've seen a lot of losers, who has repeatedly slipped the fate of gifts on a saucer with a blue border. All are carefully ignored the chance, even when they poked her face and repeatedly. Loser loser will in all circumstances. He does not need advice.

Another way to overcome bad luck - to lower the bar. Just change your attitude to the problem. If you're not lucky with the beautiful long-legged calf, and you do not want to start earning a million a month, or even change socks stink, then there is always a sea of ​​pimply schoolgirls aunts or forty years, where the competition will make you a few. Of course, the schoolgirl and her aunt is also not averse to drive a Ferrari, but the demand and supply has not been canceled.

Even the bad luck with health reasons is. If you frequently sick - Problems with immunity: Eat vitamins and hardened. Wrung her hands and feet - the lack of calcium, Eat Nycomed. And so on.

There are bad luck? . relax. think. By eliminating the cause of.

To not so much smacked of naphthalene, a few examples from my own practice. Part of failures in business, I had to do with my attitude to the staff. I can not yell at people, motivate them to company values ​​, and so on. I am one of those who sincerely believe that if we create conditions for work and pay wages, people will work. However, it is not. But the reluctance to notice it always put me on the brink of survival. It is time to believe in a permanent bad luck, and refuse to do business. But I found the strength to admit that I did not get to work with people on the payroll and I began to work with people on contract. And the situation was immediately improve. Last year I got rid of the last employee in the state.

Another reason was the constant failures in the inability to back up the money for business. It would seem so simple - to manage money. But in reality - it is a separate skill, as well as the ability to conduct business. I had to learn to make a reserve, to work with credit, generate cash flow and to predict. Not that I have achieved the ideal, but serious problems do not feel. And earlier blamed customers for nonpayment, the fate of what sent me these customers, employees - because they do not have time to work. Although actually - I just do not know how to manage money.

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